76 shades of Natural Hair Colour Shades from NATULIQUE (2024)

Natural Hair Colour Shadesadmin2024-08-30T08:50:47+00:00

76 shades of Natural Hair Colour Shades from NATULIQUE (1)

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We currently have 76 different Natural Hair Colours Shades. You can find all shades below or in the NATULIQUE Shade Chart as detachable shade samples.

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NATULIQUE Natural Hair Colours Shades

1. Black2. Very Dark Brown3. Dark Brown4. Brown5. Light Brown6. Dark Blonde7. Blonde8. Light Blonde9. Very Light Blonde10. Extra Light Blonde Plus11. Extreme Blonde0. Mix


Black natural colour shades represent the 1 depth of the NATULIQUE colour range.

We have 3 black shades: 1.0 Black, 1.01 Midnight Black and 1.8 Violet Black.
We also have a ZERO PPD-free version of 1.0 Black: ZERO 1.0 Black

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76 shades of Natural Hair Colour Shades from NATULIQUE (2)

1.0 Black

76 shades of Natural Hair Colour Shades from NATULIQUE (3)

1.01 Midnight Black

76 shades of Natural Hair Colour Shades from NATULIQUE (4)

1.8 Violet Black

76 shades of Natural Hair Colour Shades from NATULIQUE (5)

2.0 Very Dark Brown

76 shades of Natural Hair Colour Shades from NATULIQUE (6)

2.07 Carbon

76 shades of Natural Hair Colour Shades from NATULIQUE (7)

2.17 Ice Brown

2. Very Dark Brown

Very Dark Brown natural colour shades represent the 2 depth of the NATULIQUE colour range.

We have 3 very dark brown shades: 2.0 Very Dark Brown, 2.07 Carbon and 2.17 Ice Brown
We also have a ZERO PPD-free version of 2.0 Very Dark Brown: ZERO 2.0 Very Dark Brown

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3. Dark Brown

Dark Brown natural colour shades represent the 3rd depth of the NATULIQUE colour range.

We have 4 dark brown shades: 3.0 Dark Brown, 3.07 Liquorice, 3.2 Dark Ash Brown and 3.85 Red Violet Dark Brown.
We also have a ZERO PPD-free version of 3.0 Dark: ZERO 3.0 Dark Brown

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76 shades of Natural Hair Colour Shades from NATULIQUE (8)

3.0 Dark Brown

76 shades of Natural Hair Colour Shades from NATULIQUE (9)

3.07 Liquorice

76 shades of Natural Hair Colour Shades from NATULIQUE (10)

3.2 Dark Ash Brown

76 shades of Natural Hair Colour Shades from NATULIQUE (11)

3.85 Red Violet Dark Brown

4. Brown

Brown natural colour shades represent the 4th depth of the NATULIQUE colour range.

We have 8 brown shades: 4.0 Medium Brown, 4.07 Coffee, 4.3 Dark Golden Brown, 4.4 Chestnut Mahogany, 4.55 Intense Red Brown, 4.58 Red Violet Auburn, 4.6 Copper Brown and 4.8 Violet Auburn.
We also have a ZERO PPD-free version of 4.0 Medium Brown: ZERO 4.0 Medium Brown

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5. Light Brown

Brown natural colour shades represent the 5th depth of the NATULIQUE colour range.

We have 11 light brown shades: 5.0 Light Brown, 5.07 Chocolate, 5.17 Ice Light Brown, 5.2 Light Ash Brown, 5.3 Light Golden Brown, 5.35 Light Mahogany Golden Brown, 5.4 Light Mahogany Brown, 5.55 Intense Red Light Brown, 5.56 Light Chestnut Red, 5.77 Light Brown Intensive Brown, 5.81 Violet Light Brown
We also have a ZERO PPD-free version of 5.0 Light Brown: ZERO 5.0 Light Brown

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76 shades of Natural Hair Colour Shades from NATULIQUE (20)

5.0 Light Brown

76 shades of Natural Hair Colour Shades from NATULIQUE (21)

5.07 Chocolate

76 shades of Natural Hair Colour Shades from NATULIQUE (22)

5.17 Ice Light Brown

76 shades of Natural Hair Colour Shades from NATULIQUE (23)

5.2 Light Ash Brown

76 shades of Natural Hair Colour Shades from NATULIQUE (24)

5.3 Light Golden Brown

76 shades of Natural Hair Colour Shades from NATULIQUE (25)

5.35 Light Mahogany Golden Brown

76 shades of Natural Hair Colour Shades from NATULIQUE (26)

5.4 Light Mahogany Brown

76 shades of Natural Hair Colour Shades from NATULIQUE (27)

5.55 Intense Red Light Brown

76 shades of Natural Hair Colour Shades from NATULIQUE (28)

5.56 Light Chestnut Red

76 shades of Natural Hair Colour Shades from NATULIQUE (29)

5.77 Light Brown Intensive Brown

76 shades of Natural Hair Colour Shades from NATULIQUE (30)

5.81 Violet Light Brown

76 shades of Natural Hair Colour Shades from NATULIQUE (31)

6.0 Dark Blonde

76 shades of Natural Hair Colour Shades from NATULIQUE (32)

6.07 Caramel

76 shades of Natural Hair Colour Shades from NATULIQUE (33)

6.17 Ice Dark Blonde

76 shades of Natural Hair Colour Shades from NATULIQUE (34)

6.3 Dark Golden Blonde

76 shades of Natural Hair Colour Shades from NATULIQUE (35)

6.43 Golden Mahogany Dark Blonde

76 shades of Natural Hair Colour Shades from NATULIQUE (36)

6.44 Intense Mahogany Dark Blonde

76 shades of Natural Hair Colour Shades from NATULIQUE (37)

6.55 Intense Red Dark Blode

76 shades of Natural Hair Colour Shades from NATULIQUE (38)

6.56 Dark Tropical Strawberry Blonde

76 shades of Natural Hair Colour Shades from NATULIQUE (39)

6.6 Copper Dark Blonde

76 shades of Natural Hair Colour Shades from NATULIQUE (40)

6.77 Dark Blonde Intensive Brown

76 shades of Natural Hair Colour Shades from NATULIQUE (41)

6.8 Violet Dark Blonde

6. Dark Blonde

Dark blonde natural colour shades represent the 6th depth of the NATULIQUE colour range.

We have 11 dark blonde shades: 6.0 Dark Blonde, 6.07 Caramel, 6.17 Ice Dark Blonde, 6.3 Dark Golden Blonde, 6.43 Golden Mahogany Dark Blonde, 6.44 Intense Mahogany Dark Blonde, 6.55 Intense Red Dark Blode, 6.56 Dark Tropical Strawberry Blonde, 6.6 Copper Dark Blonde, 6.77 Dark Blonde Intensive Brown, 6.8 Violet Dark Blonde.

We also have a ZERO PPD-free version of 6.0 Dark Blonde: ZERO 6.0 Dark Blonde.

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7. Blonde

Blonde natural colour shades represent the 7th depth of the NATULIQUE colour range.

We have 10 blonde shades: 7.0 Medium Blonde, 7.07 Cognac, 7.17 Ice Medium Blonde, 7.2 Medium Ash Blonde, 7.34 Mahogany Golden Blonde, 7.43 Copper Golden Blonde, 7.56 Tropical Strawberry Blonde, 7.6 Medium Copper Blonde, 7.66 Intense Copper Blonde, 7.77 Medium Blonde Intensiv Brown.

We also have a ZERO PPD-free version of 7.0 Medium Blonde: ZERO 7.0 Medium Blonde.

Try our colors

76 shades of Natural Hair Colour Shades from NATULIQUE (42)

7.0 Medium Blonde

76 shades of Natural Hair Colour Shades from NATULIQUE (43)

7.07 Cognac

76 shades of Natural Hair Colour Shades from NATULIQUE (44)

7.17 Ice Medium Blonde

76 shades of Natural Hair Colour Shades from NATULIQUE (45)

7.2 Medium Ash Blonde

76 shades of Natural Hair Colour Shades from NATULIQUE (46)

7.34 Mahogany Golden Blonde

76 shades of Natural Hair Colour Shades from NATULIQUE (47)

7.43 Copper Golden Blonde

76 shades of Natural Hair Colour Shades from NATULIQUE (48)

7.56 Tropical Strawberry Blonde

76 shades of Natural Hair Colour Shades from NATULIQUE (49)

7.6 Medium Copper Blonde

76 shades of Natural Hair Colour Shades from NATULIQUE (50)

7.66 Intense Copper Blonde

76 shades of Natural Hair Colour Shades from NATULIQUE (51)

7.77 Medium Blonde Intensive Brown

76 shades of Natural Hair Colour Shades from NATULIQUE (52)

8.0 Light Blonde

76 shades of Natural Hair Colour Shades from NATULIQUE (53)

8.07 Brandy

76 shades of Natural Hair Colour Shades from NATULIQUE (54)

8.17 Ice Light Blonde

76 shades of Natural Hair Colour Shades from NATULIQUE (55)

8.2 Light Ash Blonde

76 shades of Natural Hair Colour Shades from NATULIQUE (56)

8.3 Light Golden Blonde

76 shades of Natural Hair Colour Shades from NATULIQUE (57)

8.6 Light Copper Blonde

76 shades of Natural Hair Colour Shades from NATULIQUE (58)

8.66 Intense Copper

8. Light Blonde

Light blonde natural colour shades represent the 8th depth of the NATULIQUE colour range.

We have 7 light blonde shades: 8.0 Light Blonde, 8.07 Brandy, 8.17 Ice Light Blonde, 8.2 Light Ash Blonde, 8.3 Light Golden Blonde, 8.6 Light Copper Blonde, 8.66 Intense Copper Light Blonde.

We also have a ZERO PPD-free version of 8.0 Light Blonde: ZERO 8.0 Light Blonde.

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9. Very Light Blonde

Very light blonde natural colour shades represent the 9th depth of the NATULIQUE colour range.

We have 4 very light blonde shades: 9.0 Very Light Blonde, 9.07 Whiskey, 9.2 Honey Ash Blonde, 9.3 Ligthened Golden Blonde. We also have a ZERO version of 9.0 Very Light Blonde.

We also have a ZERO PPD-free version of 9.0 Very Light Blonde: ZERO 9.0 Very Light Blonde.

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76 shades of Natural Hair Colour Shades from NATULIQUE (59)

9.0 Very Light Blonde

76 shades of Natural Hair Colour Shades from NATULIQUE (60)

9.07 Whiskey

76 shades of Natural Hair Colour Shades from NATULIQUE (61)

9.2 Honey Ash Blonde

76 shades of Natural Hair Colour Shades from NATULIQUE (62)

9.3 Lightened Golden Blonde

76 shades of Natural Hair Colour Shades from NATULIQUE (63)

10.0 Extra Light Blonde Plus

76 shades of Natural Hair Colour Shades from NATULIQUE (64)

10.17 Ice Platinum Blonde

76 shades of Natural Hair Colour Shades from NATULIQUE (65)

10.2 Lightened Ash Blonde

76 shades of Natural Hair Colour Shades from NATULIQUE (66)

10.3 Golden Platinum Blonde

76 shades of Natural Hair Colour Shades from NATULIQUE (67)

10.8 Violet Extra Light Blonde

10. Extra Light Blonde Plus

Extra light blonde plus natural colour shades represent the 10th depth of the NATULIQUE colour range.

We have 5 extra light blonde plus shades: 10.0 Extra Light Blonde Plus, 10.17 Ice Platinum Blonde, 10.2 Lightened Ash Blonde, 10.3 Golden Platinum Blonde, 10.8 Violet Extra Light Blonde.

We also have a ZERO PPD-free version of 10.0 Extra Light Blonde Plus: ZERO 10.0 Extra Light Blonde Plus.

Try our colors

11. Extreme Blonde

Extreme blonde natural colour shades represent the 11th depth of the NATULIQUE colour range.

We have 5 extreme blonde shades: 11.0 Extreme Blonde, 11.11 Extreme Ash Silver Blonde, 11.18 Extreme Ash Beige Blonde, 11.2 Extreme Ash Blonde, 11.81 Extreme Violet Ash Blonde.

We also have a ZERO PPD-free version of 11.0 Extreme Blonde: ZERO 11.0 Extreme Blonde.

Try our colors

76 shades of Natural Hair Colour Shades from NATULIQUE (68)

11.0 Extreme Blonde

76 shades of Natural Hair Colour Shades from NATULIQUE (69)

11.11 Extreme Ash Silver Blonde

76 shades of Natural Hair Colour Shades from NATULIQUE (70)

11.18 Extreme Ash Beige Blonde

76 shades of Natural Hair Colour Shades from NATULIQUE (71)

11.2 Extreme Ash Blonde

76 shades of Natural Hair Colour Shades from NATULIQUE (72)

11.81 Extreme Violet Ash Blonde

76 shades of Natural Hair Colour Shades from NATULIQUE (73)

0.11 Intense Ice Mix

76 shades of Natural Hair Colour Shades from NATULIQUE (74)

0.22 Intense Natural Ash Mix

76 shades of Natural Hair Colour Shades from NATULIQUE (75)

0.55 Deep Flame Red Mix

76 shades of Natural Hair Colour Shades from NATULIQUE (76)

0.66 Intense Copper Mix

76 shades of Natural Hair Colour Shades from NATULIQUE (77)

0.81 Intense Violet Mix

0. Mix Tones

The NATULIQUE mix tones or mix shades are pure tones with no base. They are made to intensify the tones of the other colours and just like any other shade, they can be mixed together to create creative, vibrant and innovative colours.

We have 5 mix tones: 0.11 Intense Ice Mix, 0.22 Intense Natural Ash Mix, 0.55 Deep Flame Red Mix, 0.66 Intense Copper Mix, and 0.81 Intense Violet Mix.

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Trusted by hair professionals, all over the world

Since 1998, we have been privileged to work exclusively with hairdressers, hairstylist and colourist from all over the world.

Working with the best have learned from feedback and constantly develop and colour based on the professionals using our hair colours in their salons

“First off, I want to say thatNATULIQUE has changed my life. I am not exaggerating. I left the beauty industry in 2007 because my body was rejecting the chemicals in the color. Going to work was extremely stressful not knowing how my body would react. Countless hours worrying about my health and if i’d have to leave doing hair and what I would do, if not hair. I’ve been using NATULIQUE for a month and a half now, withbeautiful results and no worries about my health.

– Alaina Rosenow, Wisconsin, USA

“NATULIQUE is the safest most non-toxic color in the world.It has changed my businessand my hair in the most positive ways. Healthy hair with a company that has a passion for a clean planet as well!”

– Donatella Alexander, Texas, USA

“I’ve been a hairstylist for over 30 years and developed a sensitivity to fumes and chemicals during that time. I stepped away from hairstyling for over 4 years. I’ve spent several years seeking natural and organic solutions to hair colour. I was so excited when I found NATULIQUE that I got back to hairstyling. I’ve discovered since, that there are clients out there looking for the same solution. My conscience is at ease knowing that I am able to offer safer services and products that perform on a professional level leaving the condition of the hair shiny and healthy for my clients with little to no risk to their health. This concept goes hand in hand with my role as an integrative health coach offering my clients an alternative holistic approach to hair care! Thanks to my NATULIQUE Family! From the bottom of my heart.”

Felicia San Pedro

76 shades of Natural Hair Colour Shades from NATULIQUE (78)


The NATULIQUE Shade Chart is designed to help you – the hairdresser – identify the depth and tone of each NAULIQUE colour. In contains all 76 natural hair colour shades, but also the six DOUCE colours, four natural MAN colours, the Balance Sparkling shine, and of course the NATULIQUE Colour Wheel.

Additionally, NATULIQUE offers permanent hair colors made with certified organic ingredients that protect the hair during coloring.

Try NATULIQUE colours

One day… or day one?

Are you here because you are looking for something new to your salon? Or maybe offer an alternative to your current colours line?
We got you covered. Reach out to us and let’s have a conversation about what NATULIQUE can bring to your salon.

Then get in touch with us

76 shades of Natural Hair Colour Shades from NATULIQUE (2024)
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Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

Address: Suite 490 606 Hammes Ferry, Carterhaven, IL 62290

Phone: +8557035444877

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: Fishing, Flying, Jewelry making, Digital arts, Sand art, Parkour, tabletop games

Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.