How to Play Deepwoken (with Pictures) - wikiHow (2025)

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1Learning Your Controls

2Creating Your Character

3Understanding Notes

4Understanding Banking

5Understanding Progression

6Replenishing Yourself

7Picking Cards

8Blocking and Parrying

9Being Stealthy

10Buying a Ship

11Fighting Players

12Fighting NPCS

13Finding Equipment

14Understanding Outfits

15Experimenting With Mantras


17Learning the Depths

18Learning From Your Last Build

19Starting Over Again

20Obtaining an Oath

21Obtaining Murmur

22Obtaining Resonance

23Trying Challenges

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Last Updated: March 17, 2024

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Deepwoken by Vows by the Sea on Roblox, is an immersive paid access game that constantly challenges the player to explore and adapt to new obstacles. However, it can be difficult to learn because of its sharp learning curve towards mastery. This guide will provide a brief overview of basic mechanics such as fighting, mobility, equipment, and progression as well as point the player in the direction towards end game objectives such as obtaining an oath, murmur, and resonance.

Part 1

Part 1 of 23:

Learning Your Controls

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  1. 1

    Learn your Controls. In Deepwoken learning controls are the first part of mastering the game.The main controls to play the game are:

    • WASD Keys – To move
    • Double Tap W – To run
    • Q – To roll
    • E – Interact with objects
    • Y – Switch Stances (Only with certain weapons or enabled by certain talents)
    • Left Click – To light attack
    • Scroll Wheel Click or R – To heavy attack
    • Double Tap Space (On Wall) – Wall Climb
    • F – Block (perfect timing will result in a parry)
    • Ctrl – Crouch
    • Ctrl (while running) - Slide
    • Q + Right Click – Roll cancel
    • Left Click + Right Click – Light attack feint
    • G (with glowing tempo bar) - Vent
    • B – Execute Enemy (When knocked)
    • V – Carry Enemy (When knocked)
    • Ctrl + left click – Uppercut
    • Left click (when crouched behind an enemy) - Assassinate
    • Left Click in Air – Aerial attack
  2. 2

    Practice with the basics. Getting a feel for your controls is the first thing you should start on doing when you spawn in. Try getting familiar with learning how to run, roll, crouch, slide, block, swing your weapon and interact with objects.


  3. 3

    Practice the more advanced controls. After you feel okay with the basic controls, you can move on to the more difficult ones. At this stage you should try to get familiar with doing critical attacks, wall climbs, uppercuts, aerial attacks, roll cancels and feint attacks.

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Part 2

Part 2 of 23:

Creating Your Character

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    Choose Races. Races are mostly cosmetic but provide minor buffs. Your character will be randomly assigned a race upon launch of the game. You can re-roll races by paying 150 Robux and if your not satisfied you can revert to the previously rolled race

  2. 2

    Select Attunements. At the start of the game, you will be given the option to choose between flamecharm, thundercall, galebreathe and frostdraw. After you pick an attunement or no attunement you will have to unlock the rest through gameplay.

  3. 3

    Select your Weapon. When starting off you will be given the choice to pick between a sword, battle axe and stiletto. These options will lead down the weapon paths of medium, heavy and light respectively. You can change the weapon type that you're investing stats into by equipping a different weapon type.

  4. 4

    Pick Core Attributes. On the core attributes tab you will be able to change your stat spread. Stat descriptions can be seen when hovering over them. When redistributing your stat spread, keep in mind your race has two innate stats, and 10 or 11 points will go into your attunement or attunements depending on if you have any. Also, depending on your primary attunement and stats, you will be given training items correlating to them as well as a weapon manual.

  5. 5

    Select Boons and Flaws. Boons and flaws are the buffs and debuffs for your character. For every point a boon cost, you must have the equivalent amount in flaws. You can have up to two points in both sections, but they must be equal amounts.

  6. 6

    Choose an Origin. When you first play the game, you will be given the origin castaway, this origin allows you to spawn at Etris and Isle of Vigils. More origins can be unlocked through gameplay and each one has a unique way of progression.

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Part 3

Part 3 of 23:

Understanding Notes

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    Drop notes. Deepwoken uses a monetary system called notes. The number of notes you have can be seen in the bottom right of your screen and can be dropped by clicking the white icon and sliding the specified amount in the prompt and pressing the submit button.

  2. 2

    Use notes to buy items.

    Notes can be used for several purposes such as upgrading mantras, buying items, upgrading your guild hall and expanding bank slots. To use notes make sure you have enough of them and interact with something requiring notes and confirm your purchase.

  3. 3

    Sell your items.

    Notes can be obtained by selling items, killing players or receiving them from players. Items can be sold to antiquarian npcs. To sell an item interact with the antiquarian and then click the dialogue "I'd like to sell something". Then open up your inventory and hover over an item and you should be given the option to sell it if it can be sold.

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Part 4

Part 4 of 23:

Understanding Banking

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    Put your items in the bank. Banks in Deepwoken can be used to store items between slots, sell items or cash out artifacts. To put an item in the bank, interact with the banker and look for the dialogue for accessing your bank. Once you click it your bank slots will be open and allow you to drag and drop an item from your inventory to them. Once all slots are full you will have to either buy more slots or withdraw an item in order to put more stuff in.

  2. 2

    Cash in your artifacts. Artifacts are bright purple balls with a cage like structure that emit a glowing effect and have a loud pulsing sound. You can find artifacts in the sea, on Erisa and in the Starswept Valley region.

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Part 5

Part 5 of 23:

Understanding Progression

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    Power up. To power up you are required to fight someone or something and then use the training item you would want to invest your points in. After every 15 points invested into stats you will gain one level. You can continue to level until you reach level 20 or receive the message “I’ve learned all I can from training” in that case you must defeat more enemies and gain more experience.

Part 6

Part 6 of 23:

Replenishing Yourself

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    Restore your blood, thirst, hunger and health. Do not overlook the bars on the left of your screen. These bars indicate blood, hunger and thirst. When you run out of either blood or thirst, you will die. There are several ways to run out of blood or water but the most important thing to know is how to replenish them back. Water can be restored by eating food or by drinking from a well, and blood can be replenished by sitting at a campfire with food and water in your bars. Sitting at a campfire will allow you to regenerate health but your food and thirst bars must be over half, or you will only regenerate up to 80% of your maximum health. Additionally, health can also be given by knocking players or npcs.

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Part 7

Part 7 of 23:

Picking Cards

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    Pick talent cards. When you power up you will be given the choice to pick a card out of a hand of cards and occasionally a card hand of mantras and traits. These cards will be dependent on your current stats and mantras. Some of these cards may come with added bonuses such as additional health.

  2. 2

    Pick mantra cards. Mantra cards will give you an active skill based on your current amount of invested stat and have stars ranging from zero to three that signifies either a lower or higher point investment in your attunement(s). On average, mantras cards with more stars have higher impact on gameplay and are often times better to pick than ones with low point investments. Additionally, the mantra card prompt can come with the option to pick a random mantra called a mystery mantra or the option to roll two random talent cards instead.

  3. 3

    Pick trait cards. Trait cards will upgrade one of four traits being songchant, erudition, vitality and proficiency. Each trait maxes out after six investments into points. Traits add on extra perks to your character such as increased health, weapon damage, mantra damage and tempo gain. You can hover over each trait for a description of what it does. Trait cards only appear 12 times at happen at all even powers with the exception of powers 1,9 and 19, meaning that you only have 12 trait points in total.

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Part 8

Part 8 of 23:

Blocking and Parrying

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    Parry an attack. Parrying in Deepwoken is crucial. You cannot play this game without learning how to parry incoming attacks. To parry an attack, you want to look for visual and sound cues. When parrying a weapon, you want to look for the star at the tip of the weapon and tap the block key. Parrying mantras applies the same concept you'll want to listen for a sound cue instead. The best way to practice parrying is to spar with a friend or with the instructor at Isle of Vigils.

  2. 2

    Block an attack. Blocking an attack increases your posture so it's important to not heavily rely on it. You can check your posture by looking above your health bar. To lower your posture, you can wait for it to decrease manually or by parrying an attack. If you reach your maximum posture, you will be stunned temporarily allowing your opponent to get in free hits. When your block is not ready, and you try to block you will go into a state called a weak block. Weak blocking will be indicated by your character wiping their face and panicking and a glowing red posture bar.

  3. 3

    Press G to escape. Occasionally you'll find yourself in a combo and can't find the rhythm to parry or dodge, this is what the vent button is for. Venting allows you to push back your opponent while making you invulnerable for a moment. You can vent once your tempo bar starts glowing blue. Your tempo bar looks like a small meter and is located under your health bar. Tempo can be gained by hitting or being hit.

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Part 9

Part 9 of 23:

Being Stealthy

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    Crouch to go unseen. Stealth can be a game changer depending on your skills and environment. To reduce detection of npcs simply crouch.

  2. 2

    Assassinate an enemy. Crouching behind a non-suspecting npc and clicking left click will allow you to perform a backstab dealing significant damage, this ability also works on players, but instead of detecting you they must not already be in combat.

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Part 10

Part 10 of 23:

Buying a Ship

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    Buy a ship. ships can be bought by heading to the docks and talking to the shipwright. After obtaining a ship you will be given an item called a seafarer’s chime that allows you to spawn your boat from anywhere as long as you're on land.

  2. 2

    Align your sail with the wind. Ships go faster by lowering the sail and aligning the sail with the wind current indicated by the direction of the top flag. You can buy a ship by heading to the docks and talking to the shipwright.

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Part 11

Part 11 of 23:

Fighting Players

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    Fight another player. Fighting players are generally an unavoidable aspect of gameplay. Although it can be difficult, you want to look for visual and sound cues to parry attacks and retaliate with a mix up of options. The more unpredictable you play the harder it is for your opponent to react. To lessen predictability, you can mix in feints, mantra cancels, uppercuts and criticals. After knocking a player, you can kill them by pressing B or pick them up and carry them by pressing V. To keep a player on the ground while knocked attack them.

  2. 2

    Expect the unexpected. When reacting to criticals or other hard to parry attacks your best option is to roll or roll cancel. Roll canceling provides less invulnerability time than regular rolling but reduces the duration allowing you to punish your opponent and keep the momentum of the fight going. Roll canceling also allows you to perform a roll twice in quick succession before your roll is put on cooldown.

  3. 3

    Place a combat tag. To ensure an enemy cannot leave the game, hit them to put them in combat. While you're in combat a skull will appear on the top of your screen telling you that you cannot leave the game, hovering over this icon will tell you how many seconds you have left till you return to normal and who or what put you in combat. Being in player combat is indicated by a red skull and being in npc combat is indicated by a blue skull. While in player combat you will not receive health from knocking out or killing npcs but you can still receive health from knocking down players.

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Part 12

Part 12 of 23:

Fighting NPCS

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    Fight a monster. NPCs In Deepwoken are split into two categories monster and humanoid. Most monsters typically have move pools of one or two unparryable attacks and the rest being parryable. Unparryable attacks are indicated by a sound cue and long charge time or visual cue. Monsters will become guard broken after taking enough consecutive hits allowing you to get in more damage. Once a monster loses all their health they will immediately die unlike players and humanoid npcs which get knocked out.

  2. 2

    Fight a human-like npc. Humanoid npcs are like players having the ability to use a wide variety of weapons and mantras. Humanoid npcs can seem completely unpredictable at times, however just like players all their attacks have sound and a visual cue for when to parry. Additionally, just like players humanoid npcs can vent, parry, use mantras, be block broken, and have talents, so it's best to fight them as if they were a player.

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Part 13

Part 13 of 23:

Finding Equipment

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    Understand how equipment works. One of the main concepts in Deepwoken is upgrading your character through equipment. Equipment comes in the form of head, arms, boots, rings, neck pieces, and weapons. Certain pieces of equipment may come with innate talents or circumstances for abilities to activate. Most equipment pieces (apart from weapons and rings) have icons showing guaranteed stats called pips. Equipment can also have stars ranging from one to three that give added bonuses to the equipment such as bonus health for worn equipment and extra damage for weapons.

  2. 2

    Find equipment. Equipment can be bought, found in chest or dropped by other players either willingly or on death. Typically, areas of higher risk have greater rewards.

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Part 14

Part 14 of 23:

Understanding Outfits

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    Craft an outfit. You can craft an outfit by finding an outfit schematic and returning them to the blacksmith then paying a fee and gathering the required materials. Outfits primarily functions to add damage resistance to your character, however some outfits come with innate or exclusive talents that might be more appealing to choose over others with just damage resistance or ordinary talents.

  2. 2

    Find an outfit schematic. Outfit schematics can be found in all the same places you'd find equipment in. Just like equipment, higher level outfits can be found at higher level areas and have level requirements depending on the tier. The five outfit tiers listed from lowest to highest are: starter, adept, expert, unique, and master.

  3. 3

    Repair your outfit. Unlike equipment, outfits have durability. You can see your outfit's durability by hovering over the white bar under your health. Durability can be restored from certain talents such as blood iron spirit, thresher scales, mantras such as metal wisp or by going back to the blacksmith and paying a fee.

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Part 15

Part 15 of 23:

Experimenting With Mantras

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    Modify a mantra. Mantras can be modified by going to a campfire, recalling your mantra, placing your mantra on a mantra table and adding modifiers to the table then pressing E to confirm the upgrades.

  2. 2

    Find mantra modifiers. Mantra modifiers can be found easiest by killing enemies or in lower-level chests.

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Part 16

Part 16 of 23:


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    Get a stained health bar. After you die you will gain a stained health bar, dying with a stained health bar will send you to another world called the depths. Dying in the depths will permanently kill your character and reset your progress completely.

  2. 2

    Clean your health bar. You can purify your health bar by leveling up or escaping from the depths, but once you reach max level you will no longer have the first option.

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Part 17

Part 17 of 23:

Learning the Depths

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    Enter the depths. You can enter the depths in two ways, by dying or via whirlpool. You can find whirlpools scattered throughout the sea. The depths is a highly difficult area filled with higher level enemies and high-level players. Unless you are prepared for losing your progress or adept at fighting players and monsters you should prioritize leaving.

  2. 2

    Leave the depths. To leave the depths go to the sloped entrance of the main city and head to the center. If the gate is not opened, you can switch servers, or you climb over the walls using player stacked barrels on top of buildings. If you wanted to escape legitimately you would have to ring every bell in the city district, however this method is highly discouraged since there is a high probability of dying when attempting it.

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Part 18

Part 18 of 23:

Learning From Your Last Build

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    Make a list of your last character. In almost every situation, your new build will be better than your last when you apply learned experiences from your playthrough. This is why it's crucial to note the talents, equipment, armor, weapons and everything else your last character had.

Part 19

Part 19 of 23:

Starting Over Again

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    Pass down items to your next character. After your progress wipes it’s not over. While in the fragments of self you can pass down two items to your next character by placing them in the fountain on the left island or if you've made it far in progression you can pay 1,000 Robux to the shrine for one last chance at life (This is only encouraged if your character is something that cannot be replicated).

  2. 2

    Claim your echoes and upgrade. When you finally decide to move on you will be awarded echoes for every notable thing your character accomplished in life. Echoes can be used to upgrade your character across all slots in ways that can affect progression or luck. You can use your echoes in the character creation menu.

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Part 20

Part 20 of 23:

Obtaining an Oath

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    Obtain an oath. Arguably the most build defining part of Deepwoken is the oath you pick. Every oath adds an extra added benefit to your character so they’re worth picking up even if you don’t like the hassle of progressing to them. Oaths can have a minor impact or a major impact on gameplay depending on the oath you pick so be cautious about which path you choose. After obtaining an oath your character will be given a cosmetic indicating which oath you chose, such as a spiked halo around your neck or a glowing eye on your face. Since oaths can require specific conditions like stat point investments or completing quest lines. The best way to find a compatible oath for you is to research them.

Part 21

Part 21 of 23:

Obtaining Murmur

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    Obtain murmur. Although not as build defining as an oath, murmur can still be crucial to your build. Murmur can be obtained through killing the Dread Serpent, Cestis’s assassination quest and through the layer 2 rhythm minigame. These methods each lead to different murmur paths and to activate murmur you’ll have to read its card description since there is no universal key.

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Part 22

Part 22 of 23:

Obtaining Resonance

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  1. 1

    Find Sibex. After reaching a certain threshold of killing players, bosses or monsters in the depth you will have unlocked the potential to unlock a new ability called resonance. Progress towards resonance can be checked through a npc named Sibex. He can be found at the Starswept Valley and sits on the shoulder of the third statue island with the big cliff near it.

  2. 2

    View your progress towards resonance. He will tell you your current stage of progression and what your fastest way of obtaining resonance is. Once Sibex gives the dialogue “Morphed like clay” you should go to the depths to check your resonance.

  3. 3

    Activate your resonance. When you knock yourself in the depths you should rise back up to full health with a special sound effect and visual indicating you unlocked resonance (having a friend knock you is the best method since other sources of damage can bug out and result in death even if you met the requirements). After you unlock resonance, you will be given three cards. These cards will let you choose to pick one of three abilities. Resonance cards will show up as four variants being regular, corrupted, legendary, and drowned. Corrupted resonances are enhanced regular resonances that give a debuff to the user such as taking health upon activation. Legendary resonances are extremely rare abilities and drowned resonances are just corrupted legendary resonances. Resonance can be activated by pressing C.

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Part 23

Part 23 of 23:

Trying Challenges

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    Attempt a challenge. Trying a challenge in Deepwoken is a good idea once you start to feel experienced at playing the game. Deepwoken challenges aren’t presented in a linear list but become more defined throughout gameplay. An example of some challenges you might want to try are, completing trial of one, completing the Diluvian Mechanism, obtaining chain of perfection, completing your guild base, obtaining W rank or obtaining a title in chime of conflict.

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      • (Using shift lock is mandatory in most combat situations) You can enable shift lock by going to your settings and turning shift lock switch to ON and then exiting the menu and pressing the shift key.


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      • Having a friend knock you is the best method for checking resonance since other sources of damage can glitch out and result in death even if you met the requirements.


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      • Receiving the "morphed like clay" dialogue does not mean your 100% guaranteed have resonance but majority of the time you'd be able to unlock it if you have the dialogue


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      Updated: March 17, 2024


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      Author: Carmelo Roob

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      Name: Carmelo Roob

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      Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.